Virtual Game Night Ideas

Everybody loves game night. Getting everyone together for a night of laughter and fun, with everyone’s busy schedules, can be tricky.  Whether you have friends overseas, or family across town, use our tips to help you host the ultimate virtual game night.

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How to Replace Pool Table Cushions in 1 Hour

Replacing pool table cushions and rails is easy and simple. All you need are a set of new rails, a staple gun, glue, a sharp knife, and a straight edge! If you’re trying to save some money and hold on to your trusty pool table, you can learn how to replace pool table rails by reading this 5 Part Guide.

Students enjoying game of pool

Pool table cushions are supposed to last 20-25 years but as with everything else in life, this is not always the case. Sometimes rails can fail after only 5-10 years of play. Obviously this all depends on use and maintenance of your pool table. For those who play occasionally, your pool table will last up to nearly 20 years with no problems. Pool tables used in bars, pubs, and other commercial venues tend to to see much higher use, causing cushions to wear our much quicker.
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How to Change Felt on a Game Table

A gaming table is a prime source of entertainment, whether it’s in a public space or in the privacy of your home. In order to maintain the quality of each game, it’s important to care for the felt, or billiard cloth, of the table. If it’s full of stains, tears, or not level, playing on the table will also be difficult, and you want the gaming table to be a focal point of entertainment.

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How to Maintain a Pool Table

You should feel pride in investing in a pool table, as it’s undoubtedly one of the coolest items to have in your home. With this in mind, however, it’s important to regularly care for a pool table. Simple weekly or biweekly maintenance is the key to maintaining your pool table for years to come.

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