Spacing Guide for Your Pool Table

How Much Space Do You Need for a Pool Table

To jump straight to it, here’s how much space you need for each size spool table:

  • 7 foot pool tables = 13′ x 16′
  • 8 foot pool tables = 13′ 6″ x 17′
  • 8 foot pro pool tables = 18′ x 14′
  • 9 foot pool tables = 18′ 6″ x 14′ 6″

You can find all of these sizes by visiting our website here.

Pool Table Size Min Room Size Actual Playing surface
7 foot 16′ x 13′ 39.5″ x 79″
8 foot 17′ x 13′ 6″ 44″ x 88″
Pro 8 Foot 18′ x 14′ 46″ x 92″
9 foot 18′ 6″ x 14′ 6″ 50″ x 100″

1. Know the size of the room

Most clients are working with a fixed room size so in these cases, it’s best to work backwards. Determine the dimensions of the room you’ll be able to dedicate to your pool table play area. THEN factor in the cue stick length from tip #2 below.

The difference of the room size and cue stick length will leave you with the dimensions of the table you will be able to fit in the room. This is the best way to get the largest table without leaving you unsatisfied when it actually comes time to break.

2. Cue Stick Length

The most important thing when considering the size of your room and the size of your table is size of your cue stick. The general rule of thumb is to add 2x the length of the cue stick around the table. Using a 48″ cue stick would mean adding 96″ around the table to allow enough room.

Just because the table itself will fit in the room does not mean you will be able to play properly. Keep in mind the size of the cue sticks that will be used in the room and make sure the table dimensions you choose allow for unobstructed play.

If you’re using a shorter or longer cue stick, you’ll need to adjust your estimates and factor this into your decision. The table below will give you an idea using the most common combinations.

7″ Table

8′ Table

9″ Table

Cue Length Room Size Cue Length Room Size Cue Length Room Size
48″ cue 11′ 3″ x 14′ 6″ 48″ cue 11′ 9″ x 15′ 4″ 48″ cue 12′ 3″ x 16′ 4″
52″ cue 11′ 9″ x 15′ 2″ 52″ cue 12′ 4″ x 16′ 52″ cue 12′ 10″ x 17′
57″ cue 12′ 8″ x 16′ 57″ cue 13′ 2″ x 16′ 9″ 57″ cue 13′ 8″ x 17′ 10″

Check out different sizes of cue sticks here.

3. Pool Table Size

The next thing you’ll need to bear in mind is the pool table size. You can use the table at the top of the page as a simplified guide for 7 foot, 8 foot, 8 1/2 foot, and 9 foot tables, bearing in mind these numbers are rounded slightly to keep things easy to understand. Use the detailed suggested sizes in #2 for specific recommendations.

The physical size of the table isn’t quite as important as the actual size of the play table because really what you’re factoring into your decision are the details from tip #1; size of the pool table + length of the cue stick.

4. Accessories

Just as much as we all love a nice pool table with a smoothly rolling surface, there’s nothing like the accessories to complete your setup. If that’s the case, try to save some room for cue racks and any other furnishings (chairs, tables, refrigerators, etc.) that you want to include to make your ideal pool room.

Need help deciding? Send us a message or speak with a pool table expert by calling 1-888-565-7180 to help you make sure you get the right table for your home or game room.

More Tips to Help You Choose

  1. How to Properly Measure a Pool Table
  2. How to Pick a Pool Table for Your Home
  3. Billiard Table Assembly Made Easy
  4. How Much Does a Pool Table Cost