How Not to Suck at Darts

This is a cool Dart Board Infographic that will teach you how to play darts in a fun way. Visuals go a long way and hey, sometimes seeing is believing! Playing darts is a lot more than throwing some wild shots at a board on the wall. It takes skill, strategy and finesse!

I came across this dart board infographic somewhere on the internet. Honestly, I can’t remember how I even came across it but I guess this is typically the way web surfing works! (How did I get here?!) Andrew Snavely from Primer Magazine created this infographic. Thanks Andrew! Drum roll please.

The Field Manual Text Transcript:

How to Play Darts & Look Like You Know What You’re Doing

Don’t Compromise your cover when rendezvousing with friend or foe at a bar.


Each player starts with a score of 301, 501, 701, or 1001 depending on desired game length.
Each turn, the player throws 3 darts, adds up the score and subtracts that number from the total.
The first person to exactly 0 wins.


  • Face Value
  • Double Rind = 2x
  • Triple Ring = 3x
  • Outer Bull = 25 (“The 25”)
  • Bull = 50

No points are awarded for darts that bounce off , or hit the outer ring.

The winning dart must land in either the double ring or bull, and bring the score exactly to 0. This is known as “doubling out” or “checking out.”

For example, a score of 32 requires Double 16. A player with a score of 45 needs one dart to hit 5 and one dart to hit Double 20.

Some, such as the World Grand Prix, also require a double to start, known as “Doubling In.”


  1. Start with your forearm perpendicular to the ground and the dart in front of your face. Don’t draw it back by your ear.
  2. Point your elbow directly at the dartboard. Hold the dart with a light grip only on the barrel.
  3. Push forward, moving at the elbow, releasing the dart two-thirds of the way through your throw.
  4. Follow through until your hand is pointing at your target.

Center of Bull = 5’8”

“Oche” is 7’ 9.25” from board. Cannot pass, but may lean over.


The numbers on the board aren’t placed randomly: They’re ordered to penalize inaccurate throwing by surrounding high numbers by lower ones.

The left side is more generous than the right but beginners should aim for the “20” wedge, as high aim hits a double 20, a low aim hits the bull, and a center aim yields a triple 20, the highest on the board.

More Dart Board Tips:

  1. How High to Hang a Dart Board From Floor to Bullseye 
  2. Darting for Dummies